Getting A Better Understanding Of Psoriasis- By: Oscar B Dewsbury

Description : Psoriasis is a difficult enough a disease to cope with without having to put up with other peoples attitudes towards it. These attitudes are largely the result of ignorance of what psoriasis actually is, and the fact that it is a condition that we seem to hear very little about. Perhaps the biggest misunderstanding that comes about from all of this, is the assumption that psoriasis is a contagious disease.

The physical appearance of psoriasis, consisting of patches of inflamed, red and scaly skin, is a cause of revulsion for most people. And it is this unsightly appearance that creates the fear amongst people that if they came into contact with a persons displaying such symptoms, perhaps they would contract their condition too.

Of course, as anyone with psoriasis knows, the condition is absolutely not contagious. The patches of scaly skin are not the result of some kind of infectious disease, caused by a dangerous virus or bacteria. The fact is that we don't really know what causes this affliction to occur, although it is believed to be a problem that stems from the bodies own immune system.

In short, the immune system is somehow tricked into activating what are called T-cells. These T-cells are normally used to fight off infection, but in this instance they are used to produce skin cells at a vastly increased rate that what is normally required. These skin cells then build up on the surface of the skin, which starts to become inflamed too. The missing link for scientists trying to figure out why psoriasis occurs, and so eventually create some kind of cure, is what causes the immune system to activate the T-cells in the first place.

For the average psoriasis sufferer, this is of little comfort. However, as psoriasis seems to come and go in most people, it is often possible to discover what in particular triggers a flare up. For some it is the consumption of substances like caffeine or alcohol, whilst for others it can be something they have around the home such as pet hair or detergents.

Identifying a potential trigger for your own psoriasis can represent a giant leap forward in becoming rid of the condition. But, for both those that do identify some kind of trigger and those that don't, overall health can also be a contributing factor. Not getting enough of the right nutrients found in fresh produce is a potential problem area for some, as is the consumption of too much processed convenience food.

The body needs the right nutrients in order for it to work properly, in all of the many bodily functions that take place every second of every day. There are many nutritionists that believe psoriasis can be overcome simply by switching to a much healthier diet. A diet that doesn't contain food additives and preservatives, things that the human body was not designed to be fuelled by. In the long run, this approach can only help things, and will have many more health benefits too.

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Author Resource : Learn more about why psoriasis cannot be spread, and read about some treatment programs for psoriasis.hostgator promo code